Thursday, July 18, 2019

BANKS - The Fall

Artist :   BANKS
Title :   The Fall
Cipt :   Aron Forbes, BANKS, Miguel, Tim Anderson & Simon Christensen
Album :   III
Dirilis :   2019

And you're walking around waving all of your feathers and shaking your ass
You should be thanking me for giving you what you never afforded
And with all that you're covered in, poor little birdie, it's making you crass
Yeah, you're burning the bridges in all of my business, I got it recorded

Keep counting your gold
'Cause it's all your fault
Losing what you hold

Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the

And I know your behavior is only a mirror of the jealousy, baby
And oh, such a pity that you're getting older, the pressure is crazy
The things that you're doing ain't helping your case
The things that you're doing ain't helping your case, no way

Keep counting your gold
'Cause it's all your fault
Losing what you hold

Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the

Still trippin' to slip in your own dirty fingers to dip in the chicken now
And you knew that my peaches is ripe for the pickin' and you tried to pull it down
This is something you put into motion
We all know how you get with a notion
Was the sun in the morning, then you started mourning or something
And that's how it went down
You pushed me in the ocean
Better yet, you put me in the mode
Wrong direction to put you in motion
I get it, you miss doing things at the 9-0
You pushed me in the ocean
Better yet, you put me in the mode
Wrong direction to put you in motion
I get it, you miss doing things at the 9-0

Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the fall
Girl, you almost made it through the

Terjemahan BANKS - The Fall :

Dan kau berjalan-jalan sambil melambaikan semua bulumu dan mengguncang bokongmu
Kau harus berterima kasih padaku karena memberimu apa yang tidak pernah kau dapatkan
Dan dengan semua yang kau miliki, burung kecil yang malang, itu membuatmu bodoh
Ya, kau membakar jembatan di semua bisnisku, aku mencatatnya

Terus hitung emasmu
Karena itu semua salahmu
Kehilangan apa yang kau pegang

Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati

Dan aku tahu perilakumu hanyalah cermin dari kecemburuan, sayang
Dan oh, sangat disayangkan bahwa kau semakin tua, tekanannya gila
Hal-hal yang kau lakukan tidak membantu kasusmu
Hal-hal yang kau lakukan tidak membantu kasusmu, tidak mungkin

Terus hitung emasmu
Karena itu semua salahmu
Kehilangan apa yang kau pegang

Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati

Masih tersandung untuk menyelipkan jari kotormu sendiri untuk dicelupkan ke dalam ayam sekarang
Dan kau tahu bahwa buah persikku sudah matang untuk dipetik dan kau mencoba menariknya ke bawah
Ini adalah sesuatu yang kau lakukan
Kita semua tahu bagaimana kau mendapatkan gagasan
Apakah matahari pagi, maka kau mulai berkabung atau sesuatu
Dan begitulah turunnya
Kau mendorongku ke laut
Lebih baik lagi, kau menempatkanku dalam mode
Arah yang salah untuk menggerakkanmu
Aku mengerti, kau ketinggalan melakukan hal-hal di 9-0
Kau mendorongku ke laut
Lebih baik lagi, kau menempatkanku dalam mode
Arah yang salah untuk menggerakkanmu
Aku mengerti, kau ketinggalan melakukan hal-hal di 9-0

Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati musim gugur
Gadis, kau hampir berhasil melewati