Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Joy Williams - When Creation Was Young

Artist :   Joy Williams
Title :   When Creation Was Young
Cipt :   Jon Randall, Natalie Hemby & Joy Williams
Album :   Front Porch
Dirilis :   2019

When creation was young
Before rivers learned to run
Before hell caught fire
And God made the sun
When creation was young
Before Adam fell for Eve
Before birds found melody
Before the apple hit the ground not far from the tree
Before Adam fell for Eve

Oh, I was loving you
I was loving you
I was loving you
Loving you

Before gold found the hills
Before fields felt a blade of a till
Before the sky was black as coal and the Earth stood still
Before gold found the hills

Oh, I was loving you
I was loving you
I was loving you
Loving you

Before you, you took a breath
Before sin ever confessed
Before hate was a word and life found death
Before you, you took a breath

Oh, I was loving you
I was loving you
I was loving you
Loving you

When creation was young
Before rivers learned to run
Before hell caught fire and God made the sun
When creation was young

Terjemahan Joy Williams - When Creation Was Young :

Saat masih awal penciptaan
Sebelum sungai belajar mengalir
Sebelum neraka terbakar
Dan Tuhan menciptakan matahari
Saat masih awal penciptaan
Sebelum Adam jatuh cinta pada Hawa
Sebelum burung menemukan melodi
Sebelum apel jatuh ke tanah tidak jauh dari pohon
Sebelum Adam jatuh cinta pada Hawa

Oh, aku mencintaimu
Aku mencintaimu
Aku mencintaimu

Sebelum emas ditemukan bukit-bukit
Sebelum bidang merasakan pisau sampai
Sebelum langit hitam seperti batu bara dan Bumi diam
Sebelum emas ditemukan bukit-bukit

Oh, aku mencintaimu
Aku mencintaimu
Aku mencintaimu

Sebelum kau, kau menarik napas
Sebelum dosa pernah diakui
Sebelum kebencian adalah sebuah kata dan kehidupan menemukan kematian
Sebelum kau, kau menarik napas

Oh, aku mencintaimu
Aku mencintaimu
Aku mencintaimu

Saat masih awal penciptaan
Sebelum sungai belajar mengalir
Sebelum neraka terbakar dan Tuhan menciptakan matahari
Saat masih awal penciptaan